Thursday, March 10, 2005


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Remember when Jane and Michael Banks went to the bank with their father, who was a banker? They each had "toppins" to put in the bank, but Michael decided that he would rather spend his money to buy bread to feed the birds. The banker and his father and his father and his father (really just Dick Van Dyke in a series of hideous costumes)......tried to convince Michael to put his money in the bank, but he ran out of the bank and into the cobblestone plaza where the crazy old lady sat and fed the birds. A sappy song came on..."feed the birds toppins a bag...toppins...toppins....toppins a bag..."

Justice loves to feed the birds in Dam Square. We even got to meet a crazy bird lady the other day. She arrives at 2:30 everyday to feed the birds (after she has gathered old bread from the bakeries). She leaves at 3 and heads to the Amstel river to feed the seagulls and ducks.

I can't stand in Dam Square and watch Justice feed the birds without that darn song going through my head! If you don't know what movie I'm talking about then you must have had a severly disadvantaged childhood!


Anonymous said...

I love these pictures!!!
Can I have a copy of 1 or 2 when you get home? Love, Grandma